GLOVES: Front Paws: front paws have white gloves ending in an even line across the paw at, or between, the second or third joints. (The third joint is where the paw bends when the cat is standing.) The upper limit of white should be the metacarpal (dew) pad. (The metacarpal pad is the highest up little paw pad, located in the middle of the back of the front paw, above the third joint and just below the wrist bones.) Symmetry of the front gloves is desirable.
The diagram shows the ideal placing of the colourpoint. The markings
of the cat on the right, are slightly below the bend of the foot/leg, but
perfectly acceptable, particularly as they are matched. Low gloves are
not a detraction, especially if matched. Mismatched front gloves which
are within the defined areas for white are allowable, but not as desireable.
The diagram shows where you might expect to find the colour line running
on the underside of the front feet. In reality, the colourpointing is seldom
even on the underside of the feet. While this cat has perfectly matched
front gloves on the top, the undersides of her feet are not the same. This
is not a factor in judging, unless the white extends beyond the dew pad,
which is the smallest pad up the leg, in the center of the back, as shown
in the drawing. In the photos you can just see the dew pad on the left
foot, right where the white stops. White beyond this point, calls for a
penalty. Cats with front gloves above the foot bend, are not generally
considered competitive.
Back paws: white glove covers all the toes, and may extend up somewhat higher than front gloves. Symmetry of the rear gloves is desireable.
As in the front gloves, the ideal placing of the colourpoint is at the
bend of the foot. However it is permissable on the back feet, for the white
to extend beyond that joint. Both these cats have gloves that are only
slightly above the ideal, but which are matched, and therefore desireable.
Laces: the gloves on the back paws must extendup the back of the hock, and are called laces in this area. Ideally, the laces end in a point or inverted "V" and extend 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up the hock. Lower or higher laces are acceptable, but should not go beyond the hock. Symmetry of the two laces is desireable.
While the ideal is an inverted "V" shape, the laces may have
a blunter shape, be narrow, quite wide, or right to the top of the hock.
Judicious combing of the fur on the foot when showing, can often contribute
to the shape, by widening or narrowing the colour areas.
Paw Pads: pink preferred, but dark spot(s) on paw pad(s) acceptable because of the two colors in pattern. Note: Ideally, the front gloves match, the back gloves match, and the two laces match. Faultlessly gloved cats are a rare exception, and the Birman is to be judged in all its parts, as well as on the gloves.